Silent Angel and TV

For those who’ve read Silent Angel, you might have noticed a little something. I’m a bit of a TV aficionado (i.e. I watch too much TV)! As I writing, I started adding quite a few Easter eggs pointing to different TV shows. One of the most special ones wasn’t originally part of the book.

I was still in the process of writing the first draft on New Year’s Eve when the sad news broke that beloved actress Betty White passed away. I was crushed, having been a fan of her for most of my life. As my way of paying a tribute to her, I changed the name of the character who would become Eden’s assistant to Rose, a nod to her character on The Golden Girls.

Rose ends up playing a pivotal role in the book, but I’m not giving any spoilers away, so you’ll need to read it!

How many TV references will you spot?

Until next time,
